It's Alive!

Just like Frankenstein’s monster, our website is finally alive. Although, we hope it’s a lot nicer looking. We didn’t know when we would be able to say those words, but it feels good to say them. The website is live!

So poke around. Read more about our ministry. Check out some of the resources we have posted. Discover the importance of training church leaders who in turn train others and learn how you can partner with us in accomplishing this great task. Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think!

Please join us in prayer that God uses this platform to expose the great need for the world’s church leaders to receive training.

-Scott and Laura Carter

*A special thanks to Evan, one of the many Ambassadors with The Good Story for helping us develop the website. Evan did this for free, using his own free time and we are truly grateful for his service, not only to us, but to the King and His Kingdom. Thank you Evan!

If you are a missionary reading this and you haven’t heard of The Good Story, you need to check out all the resources and helps they offer to missionaries.

If you are into graphic design, website design, photography, videography or other creative elements leveraging technology you should also reach out to The Good Story. They are always looking for more Ambassadors to use their gifts for the Kingdom of God, helping missionaries.