Training In Asia


Thank you for your prayers for us this past month!  I, Scott had an excellent trip in Asia while Laura had a productive and uneventful time at home. I am almost recovered from my jetlag!
Due to risks for our national brothers and sisters we are unable to share too much information on this platform. We would love the opportunity to share with you personally about my most recent trip. If you are interested in hearing more details, please contact us!

Some of the highlights for Scott were:

  • Seeing the national trainers passing on the training to others

  • Spending time with persecuted pastors and seeing their desire to go deeper in the Word of God

  • Experiencing a new culture, food, and scenery

  • Hearing testimonies of how the Pathways Bible study method is changing men’s preaching

We are so grateful for your participation in this ministry. Please continue in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters as well as for those who were trained to be faithful and train others.
Stay tuned for an exciting Vlog next month!
Upcoming Travel:

  • Scott & Laura: EFCA Central District Conference (March 6-7)

  • Scott: Pathways Trainings in Colombia, South America (March 22-April 5)

  • Scott & Laura: Pathways Spring Training and Pathways Team Meetings (April 10-14)