Training In Asia (August 2023)


In July, Scott was able to travel and train 3 groups of pastors in Asia. He had a wonderful trip and enjoyed training with full-time Pathways trainer, Matt Sees and Iowa Pastor Gabe Casciatto.

While we can’t really go into all the details of this trip, due to the sensitive locations where we trained, we did want to share a few quick stories with you.

In one of the locations, we trained a pastor from a neighboring country. He is from a country that we are not able to enter.  He shared with us his bold plan to return to his country with a number of Bibles. If caught he would be imprisoned. We asked him for how long and he responded, “until he paid the fee”, which would be approximately a years’ worth of salary.

Praise God, he made it back safely and without any issues so far. However, pray for him and others like him who, in the face persecution for their faith do not back down. As you can imagine this is an immense encouragement to us and we feel privileged that God allows us to have a small part in seeing them go deeper in their study of God’s Word.

Laura continues to connect, prepare and seek the Lord’s leading for the next steps of Pathways for Women. Please join us in prayer for additional monthly funding so that she is able to travel and train more in the near future.

Upcoming Travel:

  • May 31-June 3 Jacksonville, FL (Hispanic Pastors Conference-Scott)

  • June 9-12 Mexico City, Mexico (Pathways for Women-Laura & Networking w/Pastors-Scott)

  • June 29-July 14 Southeast Asia (Pathways Training-Scott)

Pray For:

  • Safety as Scott and Laura travel in the coming months

  • Pray for opportunities to share Pathways Bible Training with Hispanic pastors so we can see them trained and traveling to take Pathways to Spanish speaking countries

Praise For:

  • A wonderful trip to Malawi, Africa and South Africa. Scott enjoyed traveling with Laura and she had a wonderful time training women!

Partnering Together,

Scott and Laura Carter